mardi 20 août 2013

dear tumblr friend...

Thanks to the tumblr guy (you'll recognize yourself) who spend hours on my blogs to take pictures without a wink or a word or a quick thanks, to post them on their tumblr with not source or credit for the artists. I spend a lot of time scanning stuff that's not already on the internet, coming from books or magazines I spend time and money to find. I do that with a lot of love and respect, and pleasure to show them and share about them with you. And you just ruin it all. It's absolutely not a question of copyrights, because I DON'T own them, it's a question of respect for the people you take your material from, and more than that, for the artists, dead or alive, that you are supposed to love because you share them. If your only purpose with that shit is to become famous on the internet, you just suck big time. 

I'd just like a true sharing spirit in all these, not ego battles (who cares about it???). We are supposed to share the same interests and you just take it all for you, all other peoples efforts, without respect, that's what I can't stand.

Already posted that message on my facebook page but I know some of you are not there so...

/ / /

Merci à un certain malotru sur tumblr de passer des heures sur mes blogs afin d'en utiliser des tonnes de scans sans le moindre remerciement, clin d'oeil ou mention de source pour le carrefour ou les artistes en question. Je passe beaucoup de temps à scanner des choses qui pour la plupart n'existent pas sur internet, venant de livres et de magazines que j'achète et pour lesquels je dépense du temps et de l'argent. Je fais tout cela avec amour et respect, et un grand plaisir de partager ces images et d'en parler avec vous. Et vous ruinez tout ! ce n'est absolument pas une question de droits d'auteur, parce que je ne prétends avoir aucun droit sur ces images, c'est une question de respect pour les gens qui vous fournissent votre "matériel", et plus que ça, pour les artistes, morts ou vivants, que vous êtes supposés aimer puisque vous les partagez... Si votre seule volonté est de vous mettre en avant, vous ne méritez même pas ces quelques mots.

Mon seul désir serait un vrai esprit de partage entre gens censés avoir les mêmes centres d'intérêt, et non de créer des batailles d'égo dont personne n'a rien à foutre. Votre manque de respect me sort par les trous de nez.

Ce message a déjà été publié sur la page facebook du blog, mais comme je sais que certains d'entre vous n'y sont pas... (hein Nico?)

8 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

is it not true that reblogging photographs automatically cites your blog as a source? if that is not the case any my reblogs have offended you, I apologize because I truly though the tumbler reblogging would already form a link back to your site thereby increasing your google ratings. If that is not the case, I will cease.

losfeld a dit…

Hi, thanks for your words and apologizes. I don't know what is your tumblr as you're anonymous in that comment. You know, I have nothing against sharing my scans as long as I have someone to talk to. My only goal here is to share with people, to make them discover some stuff that I've got. And, talking about the tumblr I'm a bit furious against, there's no reblogging at all, it's just saving my pics here and posting them with any source or credit. Not even a word to say hi, that's what bothered me a lot... because I spend a lot of time doing this and it's a bit easy to use my time as a self service without any communication. That's all I meant about it. Thanks again for your words, have a good day.

Tétisq a dit…

Eu descobri o blog hoje. Adorei. Vou passar horas a ler com prazer. Agradeço todo o trabalho que teve.

Thank you (from Portugal)

losfeld a dit…

Obrigado !!! Nice to have this kind of feedback Tésisq !!

Li-An a dit…

Certains thèmes Tumblr "cassent" le lien vers la source créé par les plugins de post automatique. J'ai dû moi-même soigneusement choisir mon propre thème pour qu'il n'y ait pas de problème. Mais c'est sûr que les posteurs "sans scrupules" sont fatigants voire déprimants.

losfeld a dit…

On peut le dire, tumblr est naze pour la communication en plus...

Pablow a dit…

Always loved your blog. Often when I'm bored I cut up some of my favourite post's on paint, merely for my own pleasure;opposed to posting them online. Anyway's thanks for your commitment in sharing these rarities, which would be out of my reach and knowledge if it wasn't for your dedication. Love Kris

losfeld a dit…

Oh thanks a lot for these words !!! Glad to have you here